Well, it seems as if I have neglected this blog for reasons not restricted to busy-ness, forgetfullness and no-reason-to-postness. The final reason for neglection has dropped off the list with my decision to go back to Colorado this summer and intern with my church at Mizzou and the group of churches it is involved with (GCM), so here I am blogging again! Exciting, I know.
My decision to go back was made over a long period of praying about it and examining my other options, but I felt like God was not giving me any reason to go anywhere else, so back to Coloardo I go!
If you don't know what happened with me at last summer's LT program, the general gist of it is that just before leaving for the program in May, I was feeling down on finding a career in journalism (wasn't for me, didn't feel good enough to be in the field, felt it would be a huge time suck), so I asked God to make His path for my life extremely apparent.
Through discipling, b

So what does interning mean to me and for my future?
Well, first of all, I will get a lot of good experience in raising my own support through financial gifts from friends, family and possibly strangers. That is a big part of getting to be a part of full-time ministry, so experiencing a little preview of that will be good for me!
The internship will also show me if there is a place for me in college ministry, whether it be in administration, leading, disciple-making, mentoring or whatever other role I can fill. I believe God is pushing me in this direction for some big reason, but I'll just have to trust Him and see what comes out of it.
I plan to blog about the trials and triumphs of my support-raising time as well as what I actually am doing when I am back in Estes Park #doingwork for GCM and for the Lord! I hope you guys are as excited as I am.
:D awesome! <3