Now Playing: By Your Side, Tenth Avenue North (I'm learning it on the guitar :0)
Over the past couple of weeks, I've seen a lot of friends blogging. Whether it's about things going on in their life or just about a topic that they are interested in, I have been really excited to read them all. It's cool to see what everyone else is doing in their college years, what they think about certain things and where they find themselves in this journey we call life.
After reading the musings of everyone else, I felt led to start writing about the things I am thinking about on a daily basis.
While I have had a ton of experience blogging in the last 4-6 years, I haven't really ever written about what is going on in my life, but instead about what is going on in the world of sports.
I'm a sports fanatic that loves to spend as much time as possible analyzing, debating and watching everything that is going on in baseball, basketball, football and hockey. That's the reason I came to Mizzou's journalism school: to become a sports writer.
With that said, I am trying to avoid this interest/career path from defining me. Yeah, people will probably still always come to me and ask "so what did you think of this random game last night?" and expect me to have an opinion (I probably will have one...), but I find myself wanting more depth in my life.
Honestly, it will be kind of awkward for me to write about my thoughts, feelings, etc. as I start this blog because I am naturally an introverted person when it comes to things like that, but I hope this can help me be more willing to talk about these things to people I care about.
So, I'm going to be using this blog mainly to discuss what's going on in my life. If you know me on any sort of level, I hope you know that I'm a Christian. I was thankfully raised that way and it's the thing in life that makes most sense to me.
When I went to college, I was confident in my relationship with God. I came to Mizzou excited to make friends, get a lot of experience in the journalism world and find a cool church to go to for my 4 years here.
I spent the first 2 years of my college career playing the part of a good Christian without making any real attempt to grow my relationship with Christ. Sure, I attended The Rock every once in a while, did some thinking about what was going on in my life, etc., but I was never fully committed to giving my life to God and letting him take me where he wanted.
This year, I've made a big effort to try and put more of my energy towards God and what he has to offer me rather than things that don't matter as much (school, work, sports, everything else). I'm more dedicated to spending time with my brothers and sisters in Christ and I'm spending more time with God himself while learning to trust Him and where he is leading me.
Whenever I used to hear people talk about "listening to what God is saying," I kind of just brushed it off because that didn't make too much sense to me. I knew God was there and that he helps guide your life, but I never just randomly heard a voice from above saying "Jason, you should go to Mizzou!"
Starting last semester, I finally started to figure out what it means to hear God's voice/see God's plan. I have been on the prowl for a sports writing internship for the upcoming summer for a couple of months. I have submitted a number of applications in the search of one, but still have gotten no responses.
I think I'm a good enough journalist to get one of these internships, but now I'm starting to think/realize God has a different plan for me this summer. Whether it is going to Colorado for LT with The Rock or it's just staying in Columbia to build up some finances for after college, I'm praying to get some clarity on this issue.
I could write so much more right now, but I guess I'll avoid writing a ridiculously long post (have I done that already? crap) and keep these thoughts for the future.
If you are in Texas, have fun with your stupid 2-3 inches of snow and we'll have fun in our 18-24 inches up here in Missouri!!!
Like I said earlier, I don't want my interest in sports to define me, but I'll most likely use this blog to spout some opinions on Mizzou hoops, the Rangers, etc. Couldn't hurt, right?
This is awesome, Jason! Can't wait to read more :) And I'll be praying for clarity for your summer plans!